1 network / 7 countries / 10 unique festivals
The Baltic Nordic Fringe Network (BNFN) is a collaboration of several Fringe festivals in the Nordic countries. The network includes Fringe festivals in Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden.
The network offers artists the chance to tour their shows between the Baltic Nordic countries, through one joint open call. It also offers Fringe organizers a chance to exchange ideas and learn from one another through regular meet-ups.
Baltic/Nordic Fringe organizers try their best to attend each other’s festivals, and act as jury members during their stay. This also means that artists get a great opportunity to network with foreign festival organizers and industry professionals at each festival.
BNFN also serves as a support system for other organizations wanting to establish Fringe festivals in their regions.
Working together creates a stronger and bigger Fringe movement in the Baltic/Nordic region. The festivals aim to elevate the local through the global to offer audiences unique experiences outside the traditional, to push boundaries and promote artistic innovation bravery.
The official website of Baltic Nordic Fringe Network
Baltic Nordic Fringe Festivals in 2024
Finfringe (Finland) 8th - 12th MAY
Bergen Fringe (Norway) 1st JUNE
Reykjavík Fringe 17th - 23rd JUNE
Tranås at the Fringe 29th JUNE - 6th JULY
Tallinn Fringe Festival (Estonia) (Not part of Artist Call in 2024) 18th AUG - 18th SEPT
Stockholm Fringe Festival (STOFF) (Sweden) 26th AUG - 1st SEPT
Gothenburg Fringe Festival (Sweden) 30th AUG - 8th SEPT
Oslo Fringe Festival (Norway) 4th - 8th SEP
Also part of the Network:
Zagare Fringe Festival
CPH Stage
The pilot episode of the Nordic Fringe Season was held at Brighton Fringe Festival 2019. 12 Acts of the best Fringe acts from across the Nordics showcased their work at iconic Brighton venue The Old Market.
The project was curated by the Finnish Institute in London and the Nordic Fringe Network, with support from the Nordics and all the Nordic Embassies in London.